Ongoing Projects

Cedar Creek Interpretive Signs

The Historical Society has already completed four signs describing the rich history of mining in the area of Cedar Creek Road, which is just outside of Superior town center. This unpaved road goes past several 19th century boomtowns. Generally open from June through October, people can see the signs as they drive up towards Idaho border. The Mineral County Museum and Historical Society are working on an additional 8 signs to be placed some time this summer. MCHS member Debra Regan and her committee have been working feverishly to finish the signs for the public’s enjoyment.

Here is one of the signs that is already in place:



The Museum is looking for your old Mineral Independent newspapers!! If you have been collecting them for awhile or have a pile, the Museum would be very thankful if you would donate them to us. We are specifically looking for years 2008 to present. You can drop them off anytime at the Museum. Thank you!!!!